Read Aloud Feature Now Available!

I am thrilled to introduce add the Read Aloud Feature Now Available on my “Short Stories” section.

How does it work?

1. Visit my short stories.

2. Look for the “Read Content” button at the top.

3. Click the button to have the content read aloud!

But wait, there’s more! I also added extra controls:

⏸️ **Pause Button**: Pause the reading if you need a break.

⏹️ **Stop Button**: Stop the reading whenever you want.

I aim to make mys short stories more accessible to everyone, providing an additional way to engage with the stories I share. Whether you’re multitasking, relaxing, working out or just prefer listening, this feature is here for you.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! Your feedback is invaluable as I continue to improve and enhance your experience on my website.

Happy listening!